dimecres, 8 de novembre del 2017

Què volem millorar del "III Conveni del Lleure Educatiu i Sociocultural de Catalunya?

Des de CCOO comencem un projecte de recull de propostes, per tal de millorar l'actual "Conveni del Lleure Educatiu i Sociocultural de Catalunya", que acabarà amb assemblees d'afiliades i afiliats per debatre i decidir entre totes i tots quines millores s'haurien d'incloure en el proper conveni.

Aquí trobareu l'enllaç que podeu compartir amb tots/es els i les companys/es del sector que considereu, tant per correu o per fer-lo circular per les xarxes. 
Hem d'arribar al màxim de treballadores i treballadors del sector, per poder lluitar per un conveni a la nostra mida  bit.ly/PropostesConveni

Recordeu, donar les vostres idees, consideracions, aportacions i millores per a la propera negociació del "IV CONVENI DE LLEURE EDUCATIU I SOCIOCULTURAL DE CATALUNYA".

Ningú millor que els/les professionals del sector per saber quines mancances tenim en el conveni i quines millores ens agradaria tenir d'ara a endavant. 

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3 comentaris:

  1. Well, I love Catalonia. I have been following FC Barcelona since I was born. Though I am a student in the UK and here we grew up with Manchester Derby. That’s another classical rivalry. You know, I am not able to study because I had an accident and it is my final year. My brother placed an order for dissertation writing service England – dissertationproposal.co.uk was found by him and he asked them to write my dissertation. This helped me somehow in submitting my dissertation and for that, I love my brother a lot.

  2. I have visited Catalonia many a time with the writers of assignment writing services and I learnt a lot there because the people of this area are brave and educated and they are getting success day by day. We should follow them and improve our abilities. Next year, I will attend an educational and sociocultural conference there. You should also visit this place, if you want to get inspiration.

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